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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Reflected thoughts about life and death, and in between

1. I still remember in 1991 when Cory visited Cabiao Nueva Ecija. Natapilok sya, (she sprained her leg, as she walked at the rice field coming out from the helicopter) but still she did what she has to do, to meet with the farmers.

2. There will only be one Cory Aquino.

3. Dear Betty, thanks a lot. Cory is etched in our history. May our people and the people of Nigeria forge a strong bond of friendship. Betty Akeredolu is a friend who is battling against cancer. She is a cancer survivor. In 1986 she was studying at Iloilo. She named her daugher "Corazone" and is taking up law. They live at Abadan, Nigeria.

4. Death that brings dread in each one has a totalizing effect. Sorrow and grief is a natural outcome of this event that each one has to grapple with.

5. Cory Aquino may have not said it but it seems her BFF (Best Friends Forever) is the Filipino people.

6. We all wished that when Cory was praying, we hope we were there with her. But because of death, now, when we pray for Cory and asking to be with us, without fail, she will be praying beside and with us.

7. The lesson that Ninoy gave us is "The Filipino is worth dying for". I think as a testament of Cory's life, she was saying "The Filipino is worth living for."

8. Kris Aquno's tears at the necrological service are tears that we will understand because all of us suffered a loss. First it was Ninoy, now it is Cory.

9. I have said that death is totalizing. The Marcoses' paying their last respect to Cory who overthrew their father. This may be bizarre but this is what death can make, we should be prepared for surprises.

10. Politics is basically doing good. The premise is that people are basically good and good deeds can be done. If it can't be done, perhaps we got the idea of politics completely wrong.

11. A sprain is limiting my movement now. I hope not my spirit. My sprain recurred. I encountered an accidental trip on a rainy 16 July. The sprain left after 2 days but it returned back tonight. I am now in total wonderment. The pain is creeping when I move. I am experiencing it, observing, listening to the pain.

12. A new song of Manoling V. Francisco SJ entitled Your Heart Today run a line, "Yet there are hearts I still can't move". This can be addressed to people in the social movement for change. We have to accept that there are people that we will find difficult, like stones.

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