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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Alohomora Post 12, Lost magic props

Dear Students, Part of your magic performance is your props. Thus, you should have a bag for this. Preferably a bag you can sling onto your shoulder for security. The bag also organizes your magic materials. If you have lost your magic materials, ask your Mom or Dad to email me at with subject: Magic order. I will respond to you just the same. It may take weeks to replace what you have lost. Thank you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Sir! This is the mother of Enrico Santos, one of your Grade 4 COCA students in Alohamora. We both read your post po, he told me i should email you unfortunately i tried to email but your address did not appear so we opted to leave a comment here instead.
Thank you and have a good week ahead!