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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Four Ages of Man, First part

This is an excellent commentary of Mr. Larry Henares. I suggest you visit his site. He is one of our giant intellectual.

The Four ages of Man

Interesting read. Please follow Larry Henares. Good for you heart and your brain.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Post 02: Understanding Human rights

An article written by regular columnist Randy David on Human rights is worth reading given the atmosphere of instant death pervading the territory called the Philippines. Just clink on the LINK. You are to do a research on "The Origins of Human Rights". You can Google the subject and print them. This is group work (The same grouping that met last 05 August, Friday. Give at least 5-group shared insights. Just one page only. Format: Word generated report. To be submitted written on a short bond paper. Deadline is: 19 August, Friday. Classroom as venue. Query? Do write at

Friday, August 5, 2016

Welcome Sociology Students SY2016-2017 First Semester

Dear Students, From now on we will interact and communicate from this media platform, my own blogspot. This has been used by my former students of the past and my former grade 5 and 6 gradeschool students from Ateneo. You will understand why as we meet these coming days. Thus, this is our communication platform wherein assignments shall be posted. Feedback/querrie can be sent via Assignment #01. In the groupings that ware created today, you are to submit a research work on "Why is 12 July significant to the people and to the world, but sadly to the Communist Party of China who claims the whole South China Sea." You are to submit at least 3-pages of the arguments why the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague. You can also Google Justice Carpio on Philippines and the South China Sea Claim, the Exclusive Economic zones. Do understand these papers so that you will be able to discuss them with strangers expressing your opinion. Assignment 02: Bring you family picture, digital or printed. They are picture when your are a baby, picture of your family and your high school graduation.