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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Alohomora Post 7 Learning from You Tube

This is entitled "Best card trick in the world". It is made by Ultradeep with 20M views. Please learn this with your parents. This will be a fun family activity. Alohohora Post 6 is the same card routine. One of my request is that, I need confirmation if you have viewed this video. Ask the help of your parents by emailing me at: Subject: Seen the video.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Alohomora Post 6 Learning from YouTube

I call this magic trick the different colored back card. It is a tutorial and can be learned at your home we will discuss this next month. Just to check viewership success, if you were able to open the link please email at for cnnfirmation. Subject: Viewed link. Thank you.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Alohomora Post 5

This coming week, students shall be perform at least two magic moves either using card, coin, coffee cup and other tricks that were taught inside the classroom. I will be observing and correcting your performance. This will also be part of individual assessment in your learning. My reminder to you is that you practice your favorite magic trick. I want a good performance. Good luck!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Alohomora Post 4

Alohomora Post 4. For those who have not paid their dues for our activity, please remind your parents to pay on or before 15 October. We need the fees so that we can purchase the magic props that we will be needing. Some of these props will be used for our gala presentation which closes our magic class. Second, please bring your magic magic in our date sessions so that we can hone your skills in the deliver of your magic presentation. I am noting down those who have brought their magic bags. For the Monday class we will have a teacher-visitor to observe our class in magic. For the Tuesday and Monday classes please be prepared for two card tricks for you to perform. Know how to perform the empty bottle trick and the floating coffee cup. Thank you.