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Friday, August 29, 2014

Seven people I wish to meet here on Earth

The above title post is your group paper for your final exam. Seven people I wish to meet here on Earth. These are the stories of people, Filipino and neighbors who, despite the hardships, he/she made it to the good life or what we usually hear as "success in life". Of course the definition of success can be cognitively neutral. Success will be defined by the meaning-giver. Thus, in a 5-member comprising a group (shall not exceed and number can go down) you are to write the seven models that you would like to meet, eg. Mother Teresa can be one of them, or Siddhartha, to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates. Here is the structure: First page: Names of your models. Below are the group's complete names and class schedule. Each model shall have a short biographic sketch, or information about the person (2-pages). Answer the following: 1. What are the difficulties that the model encountered? 2. How was he/she able to transform the problem into his advantage? 3. State in highlighted form the values he/she practiced or adhered to in life, eg. frugality, studying the problem intently, problem solving attitude, honesty etc. Around 6-10 values that you can identify. 4. What do you find striking in the person? 5. In your essay use sociological terms in the narrative that you are going to write about your model and highlight them in your paper. 6. One page reflection paper on how you worked and interacted with your group. 7. Should there exist a CD copy of your model you can include them for my viewing. It will be returned at an assigned date. 9. The report should be printed on papers of 8" x 11" or short size. I shall be inside a folder using a plastic fastener. Deadline of submission is sometime on October. Specific date will be announced. Good luck!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Inspiring Quotes

In a group of three members, submit your favorite 10 quotations that has the theme of human success, love of country, compassion, charity to others, basic human values and taking care of one self. Font 12 pts. To be submitted: 28, 29 August 2014.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Polygamy in the bible

Read by clicking the link:

Memorial to those who perished at Malaysian flight MH17

The project shall be comprised of 5-members per group. This shall be submitted to answer the following: 1. What happened to Malaysian flight MH 17? 2. Who are the one's blamed to have done this act? 3. Describe the conflict at Ukraine particularly at the Eastern part of Ukraine? Why is Russia involved? 4. Who are the victims? (pictures and their background). 5. What are the processes being done to get justice for the innocent passengers? 6. Other information. 7. As a group, what can you do on this issue? This is to be your preliminary project in lieu of a written exam. Maximum of 25 pages, minimum of 10 pages. The first page shall be a title on this issue, you can decide on the title. At the same page, the names of your group mates. This shall be submitted 21-22 August.

Gaza and Israel

Last July we saw the abduction of Israeli and the consequent reaction of the State of Israel against the Hamas at the Gaza strip. Here is a voice that wanted to be heard. The voice of Rabbi Michael Lerner. Please click on the link.