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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Octuplets and Ethics

There are ethical dilemma in having an octuplet birth.

Read the article. Click on colored link.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Who will you write for?

When you are writing who will be your readers?

Evidence is coming out that there are more writers than readers.

Click on colored to lead you to article.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Science rightful place

It was equated by the writer that Science and Democracy go together.

The word science again was sparked in the speech of Barack Obama last 20 January.

Obama wants "to restore science in its rightful place."

Where would that be in our society?

Click on the colored link

What life asks of us

David Brooks wrote to the International Herald Tribune, What life asks of us.

As I read it through, it was like a very good piece on institutional behavior in which my students will be reading. Well, I think It is more than that. It gives a penetrating energy that infiltrates the sinews of our muscles. It confronts us with who we are in the first place.

Click on the colored link.

Monday, January 26, 2009

University without walls.

Joel Yuvienco the online internet expert and visionary has been telling me a university that may exist without any physical plant.

He continued that Universities and teachers have to evolve given the present state of technology.

Click on the link to lead you to the article.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Diary of a girl.

A girl's diary on her life under the Taleban in a place called Swat in Afghanistan.

Click on colored link to lead you to article.

Radical Obama

Somebody wants Obama to be as radical as possible because this time is a moment for radical action.

Thomas Friedman has something to say about it.

Click on the colored link to lead you to article.

Ooops...Obama inaugural address

What happened way back 20 January at inaugural address?

It's a kind of ooops (a famous utterance of Will Smith on Independence Day) as Obama was taking the oafh of office.

Click on colored link to lead you to the article.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Barack Obama's speech

Full text of Barack Obama's speech at the President's inauguration.

Click on colored link and it will bring you to the full text.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Mexico and the Philippines

Mexico and the Philippines shares the same story with the financial crisis due to the American subprime.

Click on the above link for the article.

Migrant workers

Money coming from migrant workers helps developing economies afloat. But due to the financial crunch of 2008, this will slow down.

World Bank estimates around $600bln are sent by migrant workers around the globe.

Click on the colored for the article.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Understanding the global financial crisis - BBC

The BBC has made a timeline of the global financial crisis.

Click colored link for the article.

New forms of life and acidification

New forms of life were discovered at the Tasmanian deep. Scientist are studying the ocean temperature, and possible acidification of the sea.

Floating Table

Friday, January 16, 2009


How the ruling Japanese political party treat outcasts or buraku.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Free Taxes for Teachers

Is the time of teacher not to pay taxes in the offing? Is this one solution regarding the global economic crisis.

Click on colored link and read the article.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Cancer Free Baby

Is a cancer-free baby possible?

Click on the above link and read article from CNN about cancer free baby.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Romance, China and America

How the two countries, China and America are interconnected.

Click on the colored lind and it will lead you to the article.

Atheists message

Atheists send their message in 800 buses.

Click on colored link and it will bring you to the article.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Rabbi Lerner's view

Rabbi Lerner's view on the current war of Israel against the Hamas.

Click on faint red colored text.

Mikhail Gorbachev

A Russian leader talks of what should be the global agenda this 2009, he is Mikhail Gorbachev.

Click on faint red color link.

If its a monarch, it can be a butterfly!