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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rising Poverty in America

There is a rising poverty and homelessness in American. There is no end in sight.

Copy paste the link below.

Ecuador's way out using referendum

The national leader of Ecuador is seeking a referendum to tighten controls of vital industries and maybe stop debt payments.

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Friday, September 26, 2008

On saying Thank You

An interesting 3 minutes clip on saying Thank You by Laura Trice.

Tower of Babel and collapse at Wall street

Just Say "No" to Any Immediate Bailout-Don't try band-aids to keep the Tower of Babel Standing
by Rabbi Michael Lerner

Rabbis of antiquity interpreted the attempt by humanity to build a Tower of Babel that would allow people to storm heaven as a symbol of human hubris and technological power gone crazy. It was globalization for the sake of power, not for the sake of kindness or goodness, so, according to the Bible, God ensured that the whole thing would collapse. Scrambling languages and created a multi-cultural reality provided a way for humans to develop their own less imperialistic goals, diffusing power and challenging the notion that the path to salvation lies with material conquests and technological prowess.

Our contemporary capitalist system and its globalization of selfishness has evolved into a similarly grotesque distortion as people are increasingly socialized into the goals of the system: accumulate as much money and power as possible, and refuse to allow any other ethical goals into the public sphere (we are allowed to pursue them in our own "private lives" but not together in social space). The human suffering that results is not only for the poor. As people internalize the ethos of the marketplace and its "looking out for number one" and its seeing others primarily in instrumental terms ("what can you do for me to further my goals or satisfy my needs?"), families feel increasingly unstable, education becomes training to "make it in a global competition," and politics increasingly focuses on how to best assist the most powerful in their aims to secure or increase their wealth, or to protect American corporate interests as they increasingly seek to dominate world markets.

The pursuit of money and power is a huge ethical distortion for human life and destructive for a society. Whether manifested in the failed wars in Vietnam or the continuing bloody conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and soon Pakistan and Iran, or in the collapse of our banking, insurance, and stock market systems, the ethos of selfishness and materialism are not sustainable in the 21st century.

So the careful and skillful manipulating us into a mass hysteria that this all be worked out immediately and before Congress goes on recess to run for reelection, with dire predictions that nobody knows to be true, to rush to use our monies (currently proposing a trillion dollars, but there will be trillions more to come, because we will be nurturing a "culture of dependence" by the rich and their corporate holdings) to bolster this way of life. Democrats have bought in. Yet it is a huge error-it's like trying to put bandages on the Tower of Babel. Of course, the wealthy all think that this is an immediate emergency-they suspect that a Democratic President and Congress might be more willing to demand a better deal for ordinary citizens in return for using their tax dollars this way. And they think that our tax monies (of which they contribute very little, should be used to "provide confidence to the markets"-meaning themselves). Many of them don't care that the resulting inflation is likely to make most working people's savings, retirement accounts, and social security considerably less valuable in real purchasing power terms. But they are wrong to fear the Obama election-the Democrats, including Obama, are as much committed to propping up the current system as the rich, in order to prove (to the pundits and inside-the-Beltway crowd and their wealthy funders who together constitute their primary reference group) that they are "responsible." So their demands for "accountability," re-regulation, and "limits on executive incomes" throws the merest little restraint while the hundreds of billions that will be spent will resuscitate the system of selfishness, keep the majority of corporate executives benefiting from the excesses they current enjoy, and not even touch on reshaping the fundamentals.

This is an extraordinary moment, a crisis like this is a precious thing and should not be wasted. If we had any ethically or spiritually visionary leadership, they would reject any immediate bailout, and instead, talk of ethical and spiritual reconstruction of the society in accord with a New Bottom Line: that every institution should be judged efficient, rational and productive not only to the extent that they maximize money and power, but also to the extent that they maximize love and caring for others, generosity and kindness, ethical and ecological sensitivity, and awe and wonder at the grandeur of the universe.

To start that process, we should demand that any corporation receiving help from our government give a corresponding level of ownership and control of their venture to the people of this country. Moreover, any such corporation should be required to meet the terms of the Network of Spiritual Progressives' proposed Social Responsibility Amendment to the Constitution: that any corporation with an income of more than $50 million a year must get a new corporate charter once every ten years, to be granted only if it can prove a satisfactory history of social responsibility as measured by an Ethical Impact Report and as decided by a jury of ordinary people whose task is to represent the interests of the common good.

Meanwhile, the rest of us should be protected as the Tower of Babel collapses. So the hundreds of billions of dollars being thrown recklessly by our Congress into the hands of the very people and corporations that fostered the current meltdown, should instead be used to create a national bank that would provide mortgage assistance at affordable rates, buy up and restart in the hands of the people who work within them any at-risk corporations providing socially useful functions at a price not dictated by the need to ensure that the wealthy prosper, recreate ( for those who've lost them) and sustain (for those who still have them) pension funds for families with incomes under $300,000/yr., create a single-payer universal health care system of the sort now being used by Members of Congress, and provide strong incentives for alternative energy-oriented investment and a minimum wage that rises with inflation to ensure adequate compensation for working people.

Yet these are only baby-steps, and the moment is now to insist that the elections themselves be dedicated to exploring more visionary approaches to reconstructing our economy on the basis of caring for each other and rejecting the materialism and selfishness that has perverted our media and threatens to continue to destroy our economy in the years to come. Just say "no" to the demands for an immediate "bailout" of the wealthy with your tax monies-and take the time to use this amazing historical moment to put ethical and spiritual values back into our economic life!

Rabbi Michael Lerner is editor of Tikkun Magazine (, chair of the Network of Spiritual Progressives ( , rabbi of Beyt Tikkun Synagogue in San Francisco, and author of eleven books, most recently: The Left Hand of God: Taking Back our Country from the Religious Right (HarperCollins, 2006).

If you agree with this perspective, please please please JOIN the Network of Spiritual Progressives at to help us support the work necessary to develop and publicize this approach to contemporary issues (and with membership you get a year's free subscription to TIKKUN magazine). You can also respond to Rabbi Lerner:

AJ Dimarucot

An artist with a nationalist bent. His art is asking votes for his shirts.

Beautiful work of art that you can wear around your place.

Copy-paste link to your webrowser.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Greeks and Filipinos.

The Greeks are worried about the flooding of junk-food into their society. Pediatricians are finding out high blood pressure among their children.

Copy-paste link below to reach the news article.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Children dying

About 82,000 children die before the age of 5 in the Philippines. How much is the budget for Department of Health compared to our foreign debt payments?

Copy-paste link into your browser.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Stones as part of women diet?

Women eat a kind of stone in Kenya.

Copy-Paste to your browser.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Is your lifestyle leads to health?

Copy-paste to your browser if your lifestyle leads to your well-being.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Is America a waning power?

A sharp criticism on McCain and somewhat seeing America becoming irrelevant in this world.

Thomas Friedman writes.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mental illness and American Dream

Frank Brenner made a critique on mental illness in the United States.

Copy-paste to your browser:

Science and Society

Science, Society and Superstition, from the World Socialist forum.

Copy-paste the link to your browser:

Poincare's Conjecture

Dr. Grigori Perelman of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics in St. Petersburg tackled the Poincare's Conjecture.

Copy paste the link below:

Pope and secularism

How the Pope and other leader's sees secularism in the present light.

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Jerome White, 49, and Bill van Auken, both of the Socialist Equality Party, are challenging Obama and McCain for the US presidential election this 2008.

Copy-paste the link below

Friday, September 12, 2008

One Life that can change

Francois Demulder, 61, a war photographer died not in the battlefield but a heart attack that her friends called a medical error in cancer treatment.

Copy-paste the link below

Why we shouldn't fear the Large Hadron Collider from making small "black hole"

Scientists in Switzerland have begun an experiment in simulating the so called "Big Bang" theory.

This will happen inside the Large Hadron Collider to be found in the territory of Switzerland and France. It is an underground loop and these guys are going to bombard proton particles and would see what will happen. Well what will happen?

Friday, September 5, 2008


If you are with Google ten years ago, you might be a billionaire now.

Knowing more of me.

The link below tells a story through words and picture on the art of magic.

In short, knowing more of me.

Click on colored link.

Wealthy fails the poor

The United Nation claimed that the wealthy nations have failed the poor nations.

Millenium development goals will not be met on 1015. Copy-paste link to your browser.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008

Wow! An article on Sex?

8 Bad reasons why you should not have sex.